Preschool Curriculum


One in Christ is a curriculum that emphasizes Jesus’ love for each of us. Through Bible stories, songs, Chalk Talk pages, puppets and books we share with children the importance of God’s love for us. Weekly Pastoral visits, prayer time and sharing of God’s Word is intertwined throughout the day.

Reading/Language Development

Reading and language development are encouraged in the classrooms with books, puzzles, posters, classroom discussions, and through the emphasis of Left to Right orientation.

Phonemic Awareness

Zoo-Phonics® Multisensory Language Arts Program is a kinesthetic, multi-modal approach to learning all aspects of language arts, including vocabulary development and articulation, based on phonics and phonemic awareness. The children are introduced to zoo animals that correspond with each letter of the alphabet and the sound of the letter through movement and sound.


Students are introduced to early math concepts through counting, matching and sorting games and activities. Counting and patterning is also emphasized through daily calendar discussions and classroom displays of number posters.


Science activities and concepts are introduced through classroom sensory tables, discussions of the weather and the seasons. Color blending concepts are shown through art activities and poster displays in the classroom. The students are provided opportunities to investigate nature and natural elements both in the classroom and on our vast 12 acres of property. Each classroom is also partially responsible for our children’s garden, where the children and teachers work together to plant, care for and harvest fruits and vegetables that are then used in the classrooms for snacks and sent home for families to enjoy.


The students are given many opportunities to express themselves through art activities such as painting, drawing, cutting and gluing using different types of media including paper, wood, foam and natural materials. The use of play-dough and clay are available for self-expression as well. Various music activities, through song, finger plays and instruments are intertwined throughout the day.

Cultural Experiences/Social Studies

The students are introduced to social studies and cultural experiences through classroom themes and transformations, as well as through the use of baby dolls and doll houses. We also are set on 12 acres of property where the children and teachers have opportunities to experience nature, through walks, investigations, and through our children’s garden.

Social/Emotional/Physical Health Development

Social, emotional and physical health development are encouraged through self-awareness and teaching children how to express their feelings and emotions in an appropriate way. Children are encouraged to follow simple, clear directions and ask for help from peers or teachers when help is needed. The students have many opportunities for fine motor and large motor development through outdoor play, various games, and through cutting, drawing, tracing and manipulative materials.